Lead forward.

I've heard that if sharks stop moving they die.  Everything that exists in our world demonstrates movement.  Rocks move.   Even if it's just at the molecular level. The cool thing is that we get to choose how we move.  We get to choose where we move.   Rocks are not so lucky. The word "Produce" comes from the Latin prōdūcere.   It breaks down to 'Pro': Forward and 'Ducere':  To Lead.   When we produce, we lead forward. Leading forward requires movement.  Leading forward requires … [Read more...]

Want better? Do better!

This afternoon my wife and I got home after a busy day away.  We've been busy for the last several days.   I noticed that our dogs were becoming more needy.  They wanted more attention.  When we got home this afternoon our dogs were out of their minds.  They were all over us.  They were panting ... Nudging against us.  And being generally annoying. After a few minutes, we realized we haven't paid much attention to the dogs this week.   We haven't taken them on walks.  When we've been home we … [Read more...]

Tattoo You – How are you leaving a mark?

I was listening to a message a couple of weeks ago about our innate need and desire to leave a mark.  Whether it's carving our name in a tree or donating enough money to fund a hospital wing ... we all look to create something to remember and be remembered by. Tattoos are a reflection of our desire to leave a mark.  Tattoos give people the power to leave a mark ... a mark that will last a lifetime.  A mark to be seen ... depending on where we put it.  They give people a sense of control.  … [Read more...]