When do you strike?

The thought struck me.  It came out of nowhere.  “This guy had a huge impact on my life, I should write him a note.”  I had a decision toCrushing Fire

make at that point … Click “Compose New” and shoot the thought and sentiment his way.  Find some stationary and write it out then and there.  Or put it on a to do list.

I clicked “Compose New”  I wrote a two line email.  I told him that I appreciated his encouragement, support and inspiration.  He really played a key role in a wide range of my life.  There’s a good chance that he didn’t even know it.

The message wouldn’t ever got to him if I hadn’t responded quickly to the impulse.

Jen and I have had a pile of Thank You notes to write. We’ve been ridiculously blessed with the generosity of friends, family, acquaintances and near strangers.  Having to write Thank You notes is a good problem to have.  It’s easy to let it pile up though.  Then it seems onerous.  It looks like work instead of a spontaneous show of appreciation.

Solution – Write the note the moment the gift is received in the mail … or as soon as possible when in person (It would be weird to whip out stationary and start writing in front of the person, right.).  The note will be completed and with the right spirit.

The pile of Thank You’s short.  Why?  We responded to the impulse.

I have a conflicted relationship.  The gym and I like to spend time together.  But it’s hard to get past the excuses.  I don’t have time.  It will take too long.  There’s too much other stuff to do.   Eight out of ten times, the excuses are bullshit.  “I don’t want to.  I don’t feel like it.  I’m tired.”  are more honest explanations.

I’ve lost 5 pounds since the beginning of December.  I keep responding to the impulse.

Things that will change your life and the lives of those around you are shrouded in excuses.  There’s a simple habit you can develop to put out those excuses.  Strike when the iron’s hot.

There are times you’ll be in the middle of something you can’t interrupt.  Understood.  There are many more occasions when you have a fire of excuses that need to be put out.  Strike when the iron’s hot.

When the impulse strikes follow it.  “Maybe I should call that client.”  Do it.  “I haven’t spoken to my mom in weeks (Sorry, mom)”  Pick up the phone.  “I have a great idea to send to my boss.”  Write it, hit send.  “I feel fat.  I should go to the gym.”  Off the couch, in the car, Go.  “My wife would love those flowers.”  Buy them.   “We only have 7 minutes.  We have to go.”   Get in done quickly. Get dressed.  Go.

You can let the opportunities to live your life slip away.  Or you can strike when the iron’s hot.

When do you strike?

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