The problem with the perfect plan

Perfect is a lie

I was listening to Car Talk on NPR.  Click and Clack were following up with a caller from an earlier show.  The caller wanted to transport a chicken coop via the highway on a snowmobile trailer.  Click and Clack told him it wouldn’t work.  They were right. Chicken Coop guy’s perfect plan was changed in […]

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Finish or fail … how to cross the finish line

I started looking for photos and links for my content more lately.  The goal was a more polished product.  It was also better Google ranking and more readers.  The work doubled the time to write and publish.  It became hard to to finish. My main goal here is to write and finish.  It’s to cultivate […]

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Would you rather be needed or wanted?

Would you rather be needed or wanted?

The exercise started.  I was getting up to work the room.   A thought struck me.  “They don’t need me.”  I was hit with a sense of deflation.  It was a “What’s the point?” moment.   I was at Boot Camp.   The irony, or hypocrisy, I’m working at a program built to help people […]

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Find meaning and significance in life

Finding Meaning and Significance

The breeze blew firmly off the lake. We sat. The breeze brushing briskly in our faces. The hot sun bathing us from behind. Our church met at the Lake this weekend. We celebrated the lake’s 100th anniversary. Andrew, our Pastor, started speaking. He suggested that we all want to have a life that was meaningful […]

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Wish in one hand and Sh***d in the other?

If you wish upon a star ... you'll have wish in one hand and...

There’s an expression that conveys the powerlessness of wishing.   “You’ve got ‘wish’ in one hand and ‘sh*t’ in the other.”   You can wish all you want.  Until you do something you won’t produce anything. ‘Should’ is worth less than wish.   ‘Should’ is like ‘wish’ dressed up in intention.  It doesn’t lead to much either. […]

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Finding the Freedom to Make Something Happen

I’ve been off my schedule the last two weeks (an excuse).  That’s why I haven’t been writing (an excuse).  My schedule has been ridiculously erratic (an excuse). I was out of town for a few days.  That created massive disruption.  I returned home midweek.  I struggled to get back into a routine.  The work that […]

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How to Keep Cool in the Texas heat

Brighten your attitude, change your results

It’s getting hot in Texas. The temps are in the high 90s by June.  It happens every year.   At the same time of year people start complaining about the weather.  Here’s a question I heard last week:   “Can you believe it’s so hot!?”   Yes.  I believe it.  It happens every year.  It’s Texas.  It’s […]

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Stand still or step forward


Do you want to succeed?  Of course you do.  Who doesn’t?  Even if you have a fear of success, somewhere inside whispers a voice that yearns for success.  I’ve tried to suffocate mine with a pillow.  But it keeps talking.  I’ve come to accept it.  Your definition of success might be different than mine.  You […]

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Life is Long. Today is Short.

Step forward

A  journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tsu A thousand mile walk is about 1,800,000 steps.  Sounds like that would take forever.  I bet it goes by a lot quicker than we’d think.  It goes by one step at a time.  The time will go by whether you take […]

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Be the squirrel.

Gather solutions

Squirrels gather nuts for the winter.   There’s no food in winter.  The nuts are a solution to a problem. Squirrels gather solutions.  They don’t grab broken nuts and empty shells and bring them to their squirrel lair.  They bring good, hearty nuts that will keep them fed. Most people gather problems.  “The website is down.”  […]

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