Do You Inspire Others? And Why It Matters.

    The opposite of inspiring  is uninspiring.  Brilliant observation, I know. What does being inspiring look like?  Passion, commitment, perseverance. What does being inspiring create in others? Engaged emotions Provoking new thought Motivated behavior What does being uninspiring look like?  Indifferent, undecided, yielding. What does being uninspiring create in others?  One of three things: Nothing ...  if we're lucky.   Being uninspiring becomes … [Read more...]

4 Keys to Amaze Your Customer

    Last week, Jen "asked"  me to donate it. The time had come.  I had to say goodbye to my old friend.  The 98 Lincoln.  It had 260,000 miles on it.  And it had a few issues.  Some larger than others.  The Lincoln had sit in front of the house for a month.  I hate to say goodbye. I called the Dallas CAN Academy.  They support education for students who struggle in traditional learning settings.  One way they do this is by taking donated cars. They provided one of the … [Read more...]

The Courage to Live

The other night I met with a man who a friend who connected me with.  We don't know the 'why' behind our connection yet.  We're figuring that out.  He could become a friend, a mentor, a business opportunity...  We'll see. We enjoyed a 3 hour conversation about business, life, and Spirit.  For most of the night, the conversation was spontaneous and authentic.  We were honest and real with one another. At around the two-hour mark, we started talking about the church that Jen and I started in … [Read more...]

What are you making believe?

  A client turned around his shop's performance.  He reshaped his team.  He got them lined up with his plan and his vision. He did it in under 3 months. I asked him how he did it. "By making it believable." I asked him what he meant by that.  He said, "people need to see before they believe.  We're not where we need to be yet.  I'm what they see". A team won't follow a leader unless the leader believes in where their team is going.  People who lead others successfully make the … [Read more...]

Do you want to be “One and done”?

I plugged the cable in.  No sound.  Nothing.  Then I tried another cable.  Again.  Nothing. Thirty people were sitting around.  Waiting.  I took someone else's guitar.  Plugged it in.  It worked. I threw the strap around my neck.  And stepped up to the microphone.  3 and half minutes flew by in the blink of an eternity. I got through the song.  Barely.  I was planning on singing two.  I changed my mind.  I strummed the last chord.  Looked at the MC.  And said, "That's good enough. … [Read more...]

This, I believe.

  His wife said, "This is going to be hugely successful."   "How do you know?" he asked.  "With every other business there's been a hesitation.  You'd always ask the question, "what do you think I should do?   Now, you have no doubt." Confident = With Faith He believes.  In his idea.  In his team. In his capability.  He's a convert.  A true believer. It changes how you see, speak and hear.  It changes how you're seen, heard and spoken to.  Belief changes everything. True … [Read more...]

The Faithful Sacrifice

  Faith is beyond belief.  It is a trust that engenders action.  It is seen when we leap, trusting the net will appear.  Don't trust that a net will appear?  You'll just stand on the ledge.  Waiting. Many have ideas they believe in.  How many have faith in those ideas?  Those who believe talk about how they know the idea is great.  Those with faith do something to make it real. Entrepreneurs are towers of faith.  They fight to make their idea become real in the world.  They believe … [Read more...]

The under-used, not so secret way to a life of riches

  I was on my way out the door this morning.  Jen grabbed me.  She took me by my shoulders.  She put me square in front of her.  She looked me dead in the eye.  And started speaking. "Thank you for getting Ellie up this morning and starting to feed her.""Thank you for taking care of Evie.""Thank you for making the bottles.""Thank you for making lunches.""Thank you for putting toothpaste on my toothbrush.""Thank you for filling my perfume bottle."My eyes moistened.  My breathing … [Read more...]

What Do You Have Time To Do? 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

  We don't seem to have the time to do a lot of things.  Things like exercise, cooking healthily, calling our parents, brothers, sisters and friends, reading great books or magazines, driving without distraction (as we text some ridiculously unimportant message). We do seem to have time to do a lot of other things, though.  Things like Facebook, Twitter, reality TV, e-mail, long showers, visiting,, or working long hours with no specific … [Read more...]

What kind of dog are you?

I was cooking yesterday.  The dogs were bouncing around me in the kitchen.  They're just looking to snag the tiniest scrap that falls to them.  It was frustrating.  We've had so many visitors and the twins shift so much attention away from them.  They are behaving disobediently.  They're more selfish.  They're just looking for a little something for themselves.  Sadly for them, the more they try the less they get. I got a glimpse into how God might feel about us.  I'm talking the … [Read more...]