How to stop finishing last

Nice is a four letter word.  When someone tells me I'm nice, I'm doing something wrong.  I'm not saying something that needs to be said.  Or I'm being a door mat and getting walked on.  I don't want to be a nice guy.  I'd rather be a good guy.  Nice is not a saving grace.  Good is. People seen as highly disagreeable make nearly $10,000 more per year than those seen as highly agreeable. Does that mean you need to become an ass to make more money?  No. It means you need to start adding … [Read more...]

You can have an impact. Will you?

I met Marshall last week.  I was working behind the coffee bar at church.  Out of the busyness of barista-ing, I heard Marshall say, "Excuse me, sir.  I had an accident."  I stopped what I was doing.  I came out from the bar.  Marshall spilled some coffee.  It wasn't a big deal.  Not much of a mess.  He wanted to clean up his own mess.  I saw embarrassment on his face.  We cleaned up his mess together. I sat Marshall in a chair in our common area.  He sat with me in a half sweated through … [Read more...]

Road to nowhere

I drove this morning.  There's a good chance that you did, too.  Did you drive on a road?  Yeah, me too.  The roads I drove on have been around for several decades.  I don't know when they were built.  I'm pretty sure someone built them.  I didn't pay for the roads to be built.  But I'm pretty sure that someone did.   Life would be really different if they weren't built.  Businesses would have a hard time making money.  People would have a hard time getting to work.  There's a pretty valuable … [Read more...]

Redefine accountability

Early in our marriage, Jen told me that she wanted the truth about everything.  I'd give her the truth.  She'd get angry and react.  I'd stop giving the truth.  She'd get angry and react. I told her that if she wanted me to be committed to revealing the truth, I needed her to be committed to not giving a negative reaction.   I'm human.  I will take the path of least resistance.  My wife being pissed at me is not that path.  Lying is. An account is defined as a report or description of an … [Read more...]