Sad Songs Say So Much …

I attended a funeral this morning.  It was the second in a little over two weeks.  Both funerals included eulogies.  Loved ones offered recognition of the character of those who passed.  They offered glimpses of what their children and grandchildren appreciated and admired about them.   Those who had passed may have enjoyed hearing about how they touched and impacted friends and family.

It’s sad that we have to die to hear about what others admire in us.

Admiration and appreciation are powerful.  They change a person’s spirit.  It can give people a new sense of life.   You know people who might benefit from hearing an encouraging word.  It could be a friend.  Maybe a co-worker, a boss or an employee.  Your child.   Your mom, your dad … a grandparent.  How about your spouse?   Open your mouth.  Tell them what you admire in them.  Tell them what it is about them that creates the admiration.

Who will you share admiration and appreciation with today?

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