Stand still or step forward

This picture is a mosaic of 6 pictures (2×3). ...

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Do you want to succeed?  Of course you do.  Who doesn’t?  Even if you have a fear of success, somewhere inside whispers a voice that yearns for success.  I’ve tried to suffocate mine with a pillow.  But it keeps talking.  I’ve come to accept it.  Your definition of success might be different than mine.  You still have a definition of success.  You might as well pursue it.

You will screw many things up on your way to succeeding.  If you don’t, you probably won’t be succeeding.  You might as well start screwing up today.  Call that big prospect.  Ask for that promotion (if you earned it).  Update your website.  Take on a project that will stretch you and get you exposure.  Screw something up today.  You’ll be more likely to succeed tomorrow.

What are you waiting for?  Today is waiting.

Taking a step forward while scared is success.  Standing in place in fear is failure.

Stand still or step forward.  You choose.

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